Brain Damage.
" There is someone in my head, but it's not me.......
i can't think of anything to say
i think its marvellous Ha Ha Ha"
Pink Floyd.
A shred observant of that song may conclude our brain talks a lot of noncence.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Brain Damage.
" There is someone in my head, but it's not me.......
i can't think of anything to say
i think its marvellous Ha Ha Ha"
Pink Floyd.
A shred observant of that song may conclude our brain talks a lot of noncence.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
OrphanGrow thank you for your reasoning. To clarify I am at the end of my time on this board. From what I have learnt about the G.B i have decided to disfellowship myself.
This O.P is now to clarify my thinking on the many threads I have read from athiests and believers. My question therefore is:-
Is there any scientific evidence that love or God exist?
If not then I will leave having concluded love and God can only be proven to the believer they exist. And that is not to say they don't exist, it's just then personal choice either way.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Interesting observation Morpheus.
I would also like to answer " iconoclasic's" point about the beautiful Harmonica played at the church. Listening to the great rock bands, I noted Irom Maiden have used " God" 3 times in all their songs, but you rarely find a Lynyrd Skynyrd song with out God in the lyrics.
Why is this?
Its the target audience, Southern Rock is aimed at the South, and southern folks like songs with God in them. iron Maiden is targeting a different audience.
What has this got to do with my O.P Love is like God?
Only that music is a very emotional exsperience such is love and such is God and each produces chemical reactions on the brain.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Thanks for the reply Iconoclassic.
Your daughters reply to your question " Why do you say God exists?" Was a very wise answer from a 9 year old, and it does suggest that seeds are born with a purpose. But looking deeper, in to your question and deeper meaning requires deeper thinking, the seeds could still have come about by accident.
so would you agree :-
A) That if everything has deeper meaning, deeper meaning must also have deeper meaning too. Right?
Or :-
B) Would you say that deeper meaning has only what needs deeper meaning? If so then deeper meaning itself doesn't need it and my first question is wrong. Right?
So my answer would be that the puzzle of deeper meaning will never be solved. Hence my O.P " Love is like God" neither can be proven, only to the believer can they exist.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist. We could therefore say that a persons feelings on God and Love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain. However what I find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.
The Rebel.
that was today's topic over a group chat of my cong's young jbots.
apparently the rumors are circulating everywhere i go, even people from the spanish congs are talking about it.
what's really sad is that the majority of people are already seeing this as "clear" signs of the end coming.
Robert " The new changes are a clear indication that we are one step closer to the end....."
The Rebel :-The new changes are a clear indication most in the W.T are afraid to step out on their own. Reminds me of the song changes by Bowie:-
I watch the ripples change their size,
but never leave the stream,
of warm impermanence.
and so the days float through my eyes,
and still the days seem the same.
The Rebel.
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
Richard has now been granted an indefinite stay of execution.
The Rebel.
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
Jesuis.osif " I think this case is shuddingly horrendous"
The Rebel:- The first trial was thrown out, and no fair person would argue with that. In neither did he have fair representation, which is usually the case for those who are not wealthy enough or connected enough to hire a good lawyer. ( As long as he had his day in court)
And as you say Jesuis, and I have clarified in my previous post " The psychological torture" Richard has gone through is now worse than putting him to death"
So let's les hope "justice" only attempts to kill a possible innocent man for the 4th time on November 6th.
The Rebel.
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
John Aquila ( Q) " Are the G.B intelligent Men?
The Rebel ( A) I believe the G.B hide behind the privacy of closed eyes. The G.B dont believe in a paradise earth. But they have managed to convince millions that paradise earth is true.
Does that require intelligence?
No I don't think that deception requires intelligence, but it does make me feel stupid for once believing in it.
The Rebel.
i only bring this to the board, because a friend of mine once said he felt sorry for the footballers who made so much money.
that comment stayed with me, and over the years,the more i thought about that comment the more i agreed with him.. i admit the g.b destroy people's life's and are the sublimation of all that's good in people's life.
there only excuse is a fantazy asylum they claim to believe in.
Thank you for the photo " Zoos" my answer is:-
The G.B are no longer my teachers. I no longer follow there instructions. ( I clarified my reasons for this in my previous post)
But now the G.B are no longer " MY" teachers, I want to find beautiful thighs and not have there arse in my life. I want to fly higher, and higher. I don't want them to win by me being in pain.
Maybe I am selfish, but I won't try to fool myself by thinking I am the man to bring the W.T down. Therefore I want to live and be happy. I will be there for friends and family trapped in the organisation, but the day to day hours which should be mine I have decided are mine.
What I am trying to say is that my own ethical and moral viewpoint says I should fight the G.B. But It's a fight I realise I can't win. So I won't hate them, and I can't ignore them. I THINK THE WRONG WORDS I used in my O.P. were "FEEL SORRY" for them. But I do Pity" them because I would rather have no wife, no child, no passport. Infact I would choose NONEXISTENCE than be anything like them.
The Rebel.